My AI & ML discoveries in MWC 2019

Few days ago I had the opportunity to meet lots of exhibitors in Barcelona's Mobile World Congress and it's satellite exposition of young startups in 4YFN.

The amount of information and inspiring projects it's epic but for this blog entry I would like to narrow just in a few AI and Machine Learning initiatives that are worth keeping an eye on it:


  • AI-driven solution for retail business that allows in-store real time analytics so as to shape your customers value proposal on-the-fly. 
  • Allows multiple integration schemes including APIs
  • Realy meaningful proposal that offers a simple way to obtain unstructured real world data (Pictures, Videos, Sounds, Mood...) in a sistematic way by enrolling crowds of anonymous people willing to share whatever you need and can be reported with smartphones 
  • Collected data can be pushed afterwards into any AI, ML or Deep Learning environment of your own where you can get the most of this precious data.
  • This is a lifesciences oriented analytical company that is offering a catalogue of products and services to HCPs and Institutions willing to excel their therapeutic alliance 
  • Value proposal is based on strong IT / AI foundation plus clever strategies of information analysis and continous follow-up and interaction.
  • Chatbots are one of the mainstream application of AI to this date but this proposal called my attention because of this ability to integrate across many digital channels which is an excellent way to deploy solid customer experience
  • Additionally they offer natural language interaction considering top langues being used in EU region

Did you also came across any interesting AI/ML stuff lately?  do not hesitate to share!!!!


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