Meet the inspiring #learntofly story that made me start this blog

   It was only a few years ago when I started a thrilling experience as lecturer in EAE business school in Barcelona. My contribution was part of Business Intelligence Master degree and I was entitled to develop in my students some soft-skills beyond hardcore analytics and frameworks that were also part of the program.

   In one of the sessions I approached to the class the concept of engagement and how relevant is this subject when you try to roll-out in your oganization a new solution or technology... don't you also agree this is something that actually makes the difference???

   For proper engagement development there are several theories but one of my favourites is the one popularly explained by Dan Pink in awesome speech like this one happening in TEDx.

   Dan Pink's engagement theory states that for proper motivation development there are 3 elements that you need to continously curate within your organization:

  • Autonomy 
  • Mastery
  • Purpose
   While looking for some real world examples that could reinforce the theorical definition of those elements I came across a "Purpose" history that really made me think that in modern times a well engaged digital crowd can aspire to almost anything.... 

   It's the history of a dreamer ("Fabio") that was crazy for the famous rock band Foo Fighters to play in his village in Italy... year after year it never happened and you know what?  He felt like many others like him might share that same Purpose and maybe if all the rock musicians nearby were playing "Learn To Fly" Foo Fighters song all together those vibe might arrive to the band and maybe achieving for that little miracle to happen....

   ... guess what?  they made it! Few hours after this video became viral in youtube the Foo Fighters declared that Fabio's village was going to be included in their next world tour!

   This is exactly why I have considered and decided to start this blog....  I feel that many other "knowledge rockers" like me are willing to connect and exchange experiences for the shake of building new types of influence to higher instances like governments and big corporations. Are you in?


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