We have to learn AI stuff

    "We have to learn this stuff"... this was one of the last messages brought to audience by IESE professor Sampsa Samila in Artificial Intelligence conference held in Barcelona few days ago.

    Main focus of Sampsa professor during his speech was to make everybody in the room aware that Artificial Intelligence or Machine learning is not only a matter of adopting new technologies...  it's a matter of bringing our society to levels of productivity never seen before because 1 learning effort by the machine can be replicated endless times at marginal cost.

    During this session it was also shared some interesting cases of different industries that have started to incorporate AI and Machine Learning algorithms in their productivity model.

  • NIKE Vaporfly running shoes designed with the help of AI algorithms.
  • IntelligentX Brewery is a beer company that manufactures tailored beer to their customers based on their personal preferences together with many other factors continuously captured by the company.
  • Mind the Byte R&D represents a growing trend in pharmaceutical industry that pretends to speed-up drug discovery process which following traditional methods takes huge amounts of time and spending while with the help of intelligente algorithms and big data things could happen in a much more efficient way.

    Looking forward for new sessions on this specific subject to happen!



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